The Basics of Digital Marketing

You might not be realizing it but marketing is all around us and most of the time it targets our subconscious in order to be effective. Truthfully, the best marketing is the one that doesn’t feel like one.

Yeah, we understand that you might still lack the skills and experience to target subconscious levels and has no choice but to resort into obvious digital marketing strategies. But one thing you should know that while digital marketing takes a lot of work, it only needs a simple but powerful concept to start rolling.

Today we’ll be teaching you the basics of digital marketing to help you transition into the real deal since digital marketing in the Philippines is on an obvious upsurge. Consider this as a CliffsNotes version but we’ll try to keep it as detailed and as comprehensive as possible!

To start off, we’ll be looking at the history of digital marketing and no, digital marketing is not something that started in the early 2000s.

It actually goes a long way back.

Sounds interesting?

Read below.

History of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing started its rise to prominence due to different companies innovating solutions. IBM (International Business Machines) launched the first personal computer in 1981 and databases for customer management (also known as marketing automation) started sprouting with ACT one of the pioneers of the cause. With the technological innovation and a new outlook to business approach, digital marketing is born. By mid 90s to early 200s, several search engines are already live and online business transactions are becoming the norm.

History of Digital Marketing - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

At the turn of the new century, digital marketing is one of the prime reasons why the cyberspace exists. People have become dependent on digital means to avail and provide service and companies like Google had developed Internet solutions to help digital marketers give the best to their clients. According to a new report, money spent in native marketing in the digital world will reach $21 billion this year but this still remains to be seen.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Like traditional marketing, digital marketing encompasses advantages of making your brand known and get ROIs (return of investments) that your business is aiming for. This is a given benefit but using digital marketing actually entails more benefits than you could imagine such as:

• Knowing the audience and creating your content based on their needs
• Being able to measure metrics and standings more accurately than traditional marketing
• Marketing is more convenient as you can market anywhere with the use of mobile
• Digital marketing continues to develop and be strong as years go by
• You have unlimited ways to market

But the very best thing about this is that you can get all this on a cost-effective way. There are unlimited spaces in the World Wide Web that you can maximize and all you need to fill them are computers, a stable Internet connection, and flexible minds ready to come up and execute the best digital marketing ideas possible.

Different Facets of Digital Marketing

There are several avenues that you can use when engaging on digital marketing that you can use depending your preferences and needs:


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is synonymous with digital marketing itself as you cannot do it without it. It’s basically a wide-ranging system of functions and actions that make your site prominent in the web. For example, SEO uses keywords in website pages to lure in people who’ve searched for the certain product or service. This is to create organic traffic. Links, language, and content are also some elements in SEO that can be utilized to capture unpaid search engine push.


Those annoying emails from strangers promoting their business is one form of digital marketing but we want you to know it doesn’t have to be that annoying. Email marketing is actually an old way to market your business but it remains relevant as ever. People still use email. According to a recent study, 281 billion emails per day are estimated to be sent in 2018.

As to not sound “spammy” when doing digital marketing, you need to personalize your email and actually put interesting business promotions instead of just doing it for quota. Build rapport and entice your recipient by using engaging words and images.

Social Media

The world of digital marketing was rocked when social media started showing its potency to be the next big thing in the Internet and it sure proved itself. In 2018, there are 3.3 billion social media users worldwide and according to Hubspot, selling in social media makes up half of the revenue of industries like healthcare, advertising, and software. With social media, digital marketing was made more convenient but also more challenging.

Email Marketing - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Social media marketing will encourage you to come up with posts that are engaging and you will also have the chance to interact with your customers in real time. Like traditional marketing, customer satisfaction is an essential thing in digital marketing. This is why most of the business posts you see from companies in social media are made to empathize with clients while offering them the products they need. According to Smart Insights and Clutch, the three most engaging modes of content in social media are written articles garnering 27%, videos with 26%, and images with 24%. It’s best to focus on these elements.


They say content is king and this is true and will always be true. Content is what you read, what you see, and what you interact in websites or social media channels. They shouldn’t be treated as a filler but rather a powerful force for your digital marketing plan. Aside from making actually good content, you need to optimize them by adding keywords, making sure links are directed properly and accurately, and ensuring your site loads fast and is fit for mobile. Based on a survey from Demand Gen Report in 2016, 47% of clients looked at content first before connecting a sales representative for a purchase.

Starting Digital Marketing for yourself

It’s 2018!

It’s high time that you try digital marketing for yourself. Even a small start-up can maximize digital marketing to its benefit. And since our society is plugged it’s only natural that you do the same. Take the risk.

If you are planning to take on digital marketing, you are already doing something right by reading this.


Because it’s important to educate yourself. Digital marketing is a resilient industry and it continues to innovate itself day by day but if you have the foundation of knowing the basics then you can easily adapt to its unpredictable behavior.

Digital Marketing for Yourself - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Once you know what’s up in digital marketing. You can start prepping your business, particularly your products and services, for promotion as you need to ensure you’ll have something effective to offer aside from aromatic brand identity.

And by reading this, we understand that you might be struggling with what to do and how to start with your digital marketing strategy. You are not alone! From a report by Smart Insights, 49% of organizations have no concrete digital marketing strategy.

This is the moment to start digital marketing seamlessly and straight to when users least expect it!


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines
2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
(046) 416 2483

Everything to know about Intrinsic Web Design

The digital world is sneakily unpredictable. One moment you are basked in tried-and-tested tools and procedures and the next you are facing new technological advancements that are designed to overhaul whatever you are capitalizing on right now.

This can apply to many web designers and digital marketing enthusiasts today. During the web design convention An Event Apart Seattle, Jen Simmons, Mozilla’s Design Advocate announced Intrinsic Web Design (IWD) as the latest game changer in web design that is meant to transition the field to a new era.

If you are a web designer or just an interested entrepreneur who wants to know the concepts offered by Intrinsic Web Design then continue reading and take some notes if you can to get you ready for the upcoming innovation!

How web design changed through the years

Before, web design seems like a far-fetched idea for people using the web. Prior to the age of Responsive Web Design (RWD), creators and users were satisfied with stacked written content, stagnant images, and other factors in consequential form without structure or any ounce of visual appeal. This is called the flow layout.

app, background, blur

It was 2008 when people started utilizing RWD. With it, websites began using fluid grids that enable websites to stretch depending on the user’s devices without coming out distorted. Flexible images also became a dominant element that has the same feature as fluid grids and media queries or CSS3 modules gave way to easier use of different CSS styles. Simply put, RWD makes your website sensitive to whatever channel the user is viewing your site from.

Features of Intrinsic Web Design

As its name, Intrinsic Web Design is designed to make layouts even more natural and flexible than RWD. Once it rolls out, designers can include everything that they want in a webpage without the use of elaborate tools and procedures as Intrinsic Web Design will offer everything that they need.

During the event, Jen Simmons gave six takeaways about Intrinsic Web Design which are informative enough to learn about the concepts poised to change the current web design algorithm.

Fluidity and Fixation

The first web design reinvention endorsed by Intrinsic Web Design is Fluidity and Fixation. Yes, RWD already uses fluid images but IWD is meant to give more options by placing fixed images together with fluid ones. Also, through it, images can be resized horizontally or vertically without losing the desired aspect ratio.

Stages of Squishiness

The second concept is the Stages of Squishiness. Designers of today use the CSS Grid Layout that consists of rows and columns for a more convenient organization. Intrinsic Web Design will introduce a new way of squishing content together without it looking bloated as new layouts will be more expansive. Long form content will have ample space for its own with still a spare for other elements.

Truly Two-Dimensional Layouts

The third idea is Truly Two-Dimensional Layouts; meaning you can have more malleable rows and columns and you can also modify to make intentional white spaces.

Nested Contexts

Soon there will also be Nested Contexts, the fourth concept of Intrinsic Web Design, wherein you can have embed other formats within a format.

Expanded and Contracted Content

The fifth concept is the Expanded and Contracted Content and this one is pretty self-explanatory and relates to the other concepts already detailed above. As of now with RWD, media queries are still needed to learn how to fit your website in desktop, tablet, and phones but with Intrinsic Web Design you can squeeze, conceal, and overlap elements with them still coming out presentable and functional in any device. Speaking of media queries, Intrinsic Web Design will still have them but only on a collaborative purpose. This is the sixth and final advancement offered by Intrinsic Web Design.

business, computer, device

With Intrinsic Web Design, there will be no fear of running out spaces and what was once third-party hacks can now be integrated into the first-rate system. You can combine formats and attributes to your liking, adjust and customize to your will and you will still come up with something organized and engaging. Intrinsic Web Design provides flexibility for designers and opens larger conduits for more content that matters to your audience.

Why go for Intrinsic Web Design?

As technology continues to cover new grounds, it is only a matter of time before web design is once again reformulated. The implementation of Intrinsic Web Design might still be far off but one thing’s for sure, it will cause revolution to web design as possibilities will become limitless. When the world starts adapting Intrinsic Web Design, it’s only natural for you as a web design company here in the Philippines or abroad to follow suit and be on a journey with everyone while finding a way to get one step ahead.

Web design encapsulates everything that is in your business starting from content to technical. Whether you’re running a personal blog page, a local business page, or an immersive real estate website, t’s the pouch that holds everything together. Embracing a brand new way to do web design can be daunting but remember that the digital world is already intimidating from the get go. Intrinsic Web Design is actually being developed to correct setbacks and make the lives of designers easier without stealing their prized work from them.

Web Designer - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

What do you think of the Intrinsic Web Design? Are you ready to jump into it in the near future?


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

Why you need UX for your SEO

Often thrown around digital marketing discussions but never truly maximized, UX is an underrated factor when it comes to doing SEO and  web design for your business. Not many realize it but UX actually fits nicely to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in terms of complementing the technical aspects and providing clients an encounter that will make them come back for more. This very thing improves the chances of implementing more SEO techniques.

UX simply means User Experience—with the tight competition and escalating innovation of digital marketing today, utilizing this element to a greater degree is advantageous. When combined with SEO, there will be a guaranteed creation of a robust marketing strategy to see your site rank on web searches.

What UX actually does

If you still do not know what UX is really about then you are missing the point of your entire digital marketing work. As a businessman, you want the best for your clients and customers. If you are operating online, you can ensure this by providing great service on your website. Is your site loading fast enough? Are the pages optimized for mobile? Is it easy to navigate? How is your customer service? And that’s not all, great UX also needs to touch the senses of the users. The visual elements of the branding, the overall design of the site, as well as the poignantly written content should be taken into consideration.

Listening to the pulse of your visitors and doing the usual practices to improve sites should help you understand how to elevate your UX.

Importance of UX and SEO to each other

Currently, Google is the paramount “middleman” between the users and the businessmen. You can be a top ranker in Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) if your SEO is healthy which means having ample and functional keywords, well-written content, and reliable UX implementation. Yes, Google now also looks at UX as a definite factor to get you high up at the search results. If you get staggering bounce rates and unsatisfactory client reviews then it doesn’t matter if you are providing impressive SEO means—Google wouldn’t peg you as a website crucial to be seen by web searchers.

adult, boy, break

By now you should realize that UX and SEO are inseparable and seem to be two ideas that should be joined together to thrive in a business that heavily relies on online transactions. They are, in a way, very similar to each other as they co-exist to provide satisfaction to users.

Best UX Practices for SEO

In convenient definitions, SEO rakes in visitors and UX retains them and provides them with the products that they need and the service that they deserve.

To not waste your SEO efforts, you will need to double it up with a competitive UX. Below are some of the best UX practices that you can try. Take note that UX varies from your type of business and website but you can always evaluate and try any strategies and see what you can discover from there.

Site speed

Macbook Pro Beside Notebook With Ballpen

The Internet is made for everyone’s convenience so it shouldn’t be a surprise if users want a fast loading website. On average, a user will only wait for more than 30 seconds to two minutes for your webpage to load. More than these numbers and they will opt out. Speed is an essential factor especially if you are a company that engages on information or trades and you can improve this by looking at how fast your page loads using online tools such as GTMetrix or Google’s very own PageSpeed Insights. These tools will show what makes your website sluggish, may it be plugins, caches, images or the website hosting itself.

Site navigation

When a website finally loads and runs like thunder then you’ll have to work on how easy it is to browse. Page speeds won’t matter if your website is like an entangled web with no clear direction. You will need to have an interface with straightforward options that are minimal in numbers, properly categorized, and are also enjoyable to navigate. Making every option clickable, always informing users about their location in the site as well as including user-friendly language at every fork are some other elements you are going to need to work on. This should be stressed in e-commerce pages like online stores and real estate websites, where large selections of products can be overwhelming without user-friendly navigation.

Mobile Optimization

Currently, how websites loads and fits into desktop devices are the only rule of measure Google implements to determine if your website belongs in the top search results. But there are plans to overhaul this rule and make mobile optimization the prime indicator since the use of mobile gadgets is edging desktop devices. To prepare your website for this, you will need to make sure that the site loads fine with mobile speed, has readable texts, and has images that are proportioned with varying screens.

Enhanced Content

A large number of users go to websites expecting good content so you don’t have to be lax about churning out quality blogs and other forms of content such as infographics, videos, slideshows, and even FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Results from these might take time but can be fundamentally beneficial to both SEO and UX once they hit their stride.

Wordpress Content - Redkite Digital Marketing

Effective SEO isn’t all about rankings. The experience of your clients during their time at your site is also vital for better chances of growing your SEO. Work with a digital marketing company now that specializes in UX and SEO services to start bringing authenticity and human spirit to your venture which is at the end of the day the paramount factors in offering products and services.


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

The Best Digital Marketing Channels for 2018

We’re halfway through 2018 but the battle for digital marketing in the Philippines and the rest of the world is only starting to heat up. This year saw the continuous evolution of different digital marketing channels that every breed of digital marketers can use. One example is the social media that is now refurbished to be more user-centric with videos, stories, and influencers taking over the massive channel.

While this is good, we could argue that this year also produced a lot of noise in the digital marketing world. There seems to be a lot of channel innovations currently going on, making it hard to know where to focus our attention.

For now, let’s cancel the noise by slowly dialing the frequency to gain a clearer look at these channels that we should start listening to:

Coaches and Speakers

“Different strokes work for different folks” is true in digital marketing world. Channels work depending on the type of the content and the marketer itself. To start, we’re going to discuss first the best digital marketing channels for life coaches, motivational speakers, and anyone who faces a crowd of people.

Video streaming is still the dominant in this aspect. YouTube is widely used by speakers because it’s not only a very popular site, it also has features of live streaming and putting previously produced content that audience can watch and share that will help boost your prominence and gains. Instagram works too where speakers can put snippets of their speeches and link to other streaming sites where the full speech is.

Coaches and Speakers - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Aside from these, coaches and speakers can also utilize inspirational images on social media. Still, it’s not the same as video streaming, where your entire speech and movement is visible to the audience where people can judge you unfairly and even cause damage to your digital marketing strategy.

Businesses and Corporations

Contrary to speakers, business and corporations do not need to be on people’s faces. Usually, they are identified as this large logo of texts and images. For this, digital marketing channels such as Facebook is still ideal but only for minor engagements such as interacting through posted content. The true digital marketing channel that a corporation should maximize on is Google, specifically its Google Display Network or the search engine’s solution to help you market your company through ads across different networks in the Internet.

Google Display Network - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Improving your website on its design, layout, and mechanics is essential here. As well as working on SEO and performing remarketing which is the process of reconnecting to the past visitors of your websites. Google Adwords does remarketing where your company ads can be seen by your previous visitors/customers while reading blogs or watching videos. It’s not an annoying, in the face marketing instead it targets the subconscious which is the very digital marketing approach big businesses should aim for.

Small Companies

If you own a small to medium-sized business, you know that online presence is your lifeblood. Social media is still king for this year and investing more on your content marketing produces shareable material that your target audience can use. Of course, like giant corporations you should dream big and work big by using Google’s capabilities. Improve your SEO to make your website visible. If struggling with SEO, an SEO company should teach you ways of organic and effective SEO marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an underutilized digital marketing method that your small to medium company could benefit from. It’s simply the marketing of other company’s products or services where you can also gain profit and distinction.

Different Countries

Not every digital marketing channels mentioned above apply to all countries. In China, most of the popular websites and social media outlets are blocked to make way for the country’s homebrewed websites such as Baidu (an alternative for Google) and Youku (an alternative for YouTube).

Different Countries Digital Marketing - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

If you happen to be overseas and want to tap consumers from other countries, you might want to develop cross-cultural competency and learn about the laws of the country you are targeting. Adjusting your site’s language, colors, and loading speed can also aid in better connection. Localizing your content depending on the country and region is also essential.

If you haven’t noticed, most of the digital marketing channels featured here are ones that we’ve been using already with a few that are forgotten in the past. A newfound appreciation for these channels is important as it’s easy to be caught by new innovations that are only futile in the end.

Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines
2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
(046) 416 2483

Importance of SEO for Corporations

Big corporations seem untouchable—like they do not need to invest in website improvement solutions because of their already established prominence. Television commercials, print advertisements, and word of mouth certainly helped in this aspect back in the day. SEO for corporations didn’t even exist.

And then the Internet happened.

It was and is a perpetual game changer that seeks to rock even the longest standing companies in the Philippines. Corporations now need to catch up to cater clients who prefer using the Internet—they need to start thinking about digital marketing in the Philippines and most especially their websites’ search engine optimization (SEO).

There are many reasons for corporations to invest in SEO services as early as today.

The System of the Internet

The Internet continues to reinvent itself and it won’t stop to wait for anybody. While this notion can be alarming to the business industry, it also brings a positive element of change: the Internet opens doors to new marketing strategies.

System of the Internet - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Unlike its Western counterparts, massive corporations in the Philippines are not capitalizing on their websites’ SEO but rather on the rise of social media.

It can be difficult to accept but this is the norm now. Internet rules even the marketing world. While other large companies with more than 500 employees prefer television and other digital marketing channels to get a quick return of investment, not doing SEO will eventually phase you out of the competition.

Local and international demands are growing

When a foreigner happens to Google search for a particular keyword for services he is looking for, he might stumble upon Filipino websites of industries that offer SEO services and actually avail services even though he is seas away.

SEO reaches masses that may be unfamiliar with your corporation no matter how big you are in a certain geography.

Here’s an example of garnering an organic search by using a simple tactic of branding keywords:

Great Food Solutions - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines


Great Food Solutions is the food service division of San Miguel Pure Foods Corporation, a gigantic food and beverage corporation in the Philippines.

The term “great food solutions” can be a generic term that can be used when users are looking for recipes and tips for good food. Anyone from around the world can look up this generic term and the first result will be:

Google Search Result - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

By using Great Food Solutions as a brand name for its food department, San Miguel Pure Foods Corporation is completely visible for its target consumers. Now they have the chance to be a prime choice of every user and it’s all made possible by simply embracing a broad but relevant keyword as their brand identity.

Corporation sites can drive clients away

Let’s admit it: corporation sites are not the most exciting things to look at. There are ones with stunning designs but with lousy SEO content, they can only do so much.

Corporation Sites - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

People tend to opt out of your site if they didn’t become interested under 8 seconds. But mixing good SEO with an eye-catching web layout and design can produce a booming corporation website. Aim to have an engaging SEO that will make you proud to put your site’s name on your business cards.

SEO for Corporations: The Techniques

Since corporations prefer other digital marketing channels, they tend to neglect SEO plans, believing that the company will produce revenue regardless of the way they market. But let us remember the main idea of this blog: the Internet is an unpredictable force that is soon to be the paramount avenue of marketing.

Here are SEO basics you can start applying—or read our blog about the purposes of SEO to help you gain a better understanding on the significance of digital marketing.

  • Generation of better pages and adding more interactive features like more downloadable content
  • Online competition analysis or examining if a certain company is a competition or not
  • Branding by using your company name as a keyword or integrating keywords as into branding
  • Being a more aggressive marketer despite your corporation’s already given the reach

Corporations, especially ones that are large enough to be an empire, still need good SEO as even business titans can’t survive the rapid evolution of the internet without one. Simply not doing SEO can slowly cripple your business in the long run.


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

Long-term Benefits of Redkite SEO

Redkite’s SEO outsourcing and digital marketing services in and out of the Philippines are unique because we collaborate with our clients over contents, links, and strategies to win at their SEO campaigns. They’re all unique and 100 percent custom tailored. We use manual link building and we don’t use privately networked links that can jeopardize the SEO campaign drastically if the client wishes to stop their SEO.

We believe in organic growth and we don’t participate in unethical business. We strictly believe in “soaring together.” If the business isn’t good for our clients, then business isn’t good for us.

Redkite SEO ranks websites using unique content, strategized link building, and persistent optimization. We don’t rank websites for rankings alone. We want your target audience to love having spotted you, visiting you, and having done business with you. We want you to succeed as we want to succeed ourselves.

This is exactly what Google loves – to make websites rank that actually works for their searchers. They want to give the best websites the maximum exposure possible and that’s what we do.

Invest on an SEO outsourcing in the Philippines with Redkite to personally witness the long-lived and perpetual benefits to come for your business!


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building, 1 Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, 4114 Cavite

(046) 416 2483

Redkite SEO Process (Strategies and Reports)

Redkite Digital Marketing is a digital marketing company in the Philippines with SEO services that are:


All the SEO services that will be done for your business are made especially for your business. We pay a lot of attention to making sure that how we deal with the SEO is based on a custom plan and not on an arbitrary winning formula (one is for all SEO formula), simply because that’s what brings the best results.

Geographically Targeted

We work on getting ranks on the geographic location of your customers—they maybe local, national, or global rankings. Our keyword research tool allows us to know accurate keyword volume search in the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, France, Russia, Denmark, Australia, and other countries in Asia and Europe.

Geographically Targeted SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Local | Google Maps

We love local SEO because of its profitability and relevance to local customers. It encourages clients to work local and then scale their SEO efforts from there.

White Hat and 100% ethical

All of the SEO activities (on-page and off-page) strictly follow Google and Search Engine guidelines. White hat SEO is the only real way to go and results from ethical SEO yields a good B2B or B2C relationship.

Brand Aligned

We keep branding in mind at all times. Our link building and content efforts are strategic and strictly comply with your business branding guidelines.


The SEO that we undertake is aggressive yet meaningful. We believe that getting rank just for the sake of visits doesn’t yield profits. We make our SEO competitive by including all needed knowledge these days in the quality SEO world.


All SEO parts are aligned towards many small goals and a few bigger goals. Our content, link building, keyword research, and competition analysis are in-depth and coordinated for organized implementation.


The SEO services that we provide are scalable. We know that if you aren’t continuously looking for improvements then that would itself be our biggest disadvantage. We never stop even after we have reached the bigger goals.


Our SEO approach is practical. We know what users search for and why they search for certain search queries. Getting a whole lot of non-converting visitors isn’t one of our goals. We want you to realize a profitable market in the internet and we do so by being practical and very methodical.


Business profitability is what drives any business. Our SEO Services are meant to expose your business to the right audience. In other words, our efforts are meant to realize ROI and profits.

Profitable SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

With our SEO services, you can expect the following:


We have a 100 percent transparent consultation relevant to you and your business. It’s non-biased and non-exaggerated for you to make wise decisions regarding the direction of your company.

Strategic Business Growth

Although we work largely in websites and SEO, our vision is to see your business become successful, not just your online presence. We will work with your offline team/s to realize a strategic growth.

Monthly Ranking Reports

Our monthly ranking reports show changes every end of the month on organic traffic, branded keywords traffic, non-branded keywords traffic, referral traffic, and conversion points or conversion goals. These reports also indicate strengths and weaknesses in the monthly report and our monthly goals for the upcoming month.

Weekly SEO Agenda Reports

Our weekly agenda reports will tell you what our weekly goals are so that our clients are fully informed on major activities that happen with their SEO. These reports will indicate on-page website tweaks to be performed and off-page implementations.

Weekly Meetings

We usually do weekly meetings during your chosen business hour. These meetings don’t last more than 30 minutes and are quick accounts of the weekly agenda reports so that we can explain what we did in the current week and what to expect the following weeks.


We are persistent in delivering results. We simply never give up and we won’t until you and the future of your business are secured online.


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building, 1 Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, 4114 Cavite

(046) 416 2483

The Backbone of SEO: Language, Content, and Links

Before understanding the purposes of SEO, it’s important that everyone knows the value of content and copywriting. In digital media, quality content should offer benefits to your audience. Is the information of value? Does it provide the readers with facts and figures that can’t be seen elsewhere? Does it connect with your audience? And most of all, does it reflect the image of your brand?

As a digital marketing company in the Philippines that specializes in outsourcing SEO, we know that in order to create good content, every written word must serve a purpose. We prioritize content as the basis of SEO because information is the champion of search engines, especially Google. It’s pretty simple: quality writing = better results!


Language of SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

When creating content, it’s vital to know who your target audience is and what kind of writing they require. To help you with this, ask yourself the following questions before proceeding with writing:

  • What type of content would my target audience like to receive?
  • What channels do they use?
  • What media do they use in their search?
  • How do we ensure that our target audience receives the content?

No matter where your target audience may be, you should always keep in mind what kind of “local” writing they’re used to searching and reading.

Searching and Reading SEO - Digital Marketing Philippines

Localized content is simply directing your writing efforts towards your local target market. For us at Redkite Digital Marketing, we get localized content done for our clients through detailed techniques that involve customization of writing and link building system. In addition, we also use spelling and grammar tools, starting from Word Documents to Chrome Plugins that precisely check the correct usage of the language in different areas.


Before anything else, research about your competition and see what’s trending in different industries. In SEO, competitor analysis plays a vital role in improving content that you want to provide. Don’t be afraid of your competition. Instead, do the following:

  • Let the big brands do the hard work – Instead of trying so hard to find the right audience after creating your content, let the big guys tell you which audiences are picking up, and then focus the content on them.
  • Integrate what works – Whatever is working for the bigger brands, emulate it and then add your own twist and techniques.
  • Learn from their mistakes – Read blog posts, information, and audience reaction about your competitor’s content. This way, you can avoid repeating their errors.

Writing to normal standard is also important for any SEO campaign. Readers don’t appreciate words that are hard to understand. So, when writing content, use simple words so your audience will get to know your point of view. Always remember that online readers don’t read content word by word. In addition, people don’t have the time to open a dictionary and learn the meanings of complex words, do they?

Lastly, all content should go through an internal proofreading process. Once the actual writing stops, proofreading should start. Ensure that the writing is properly organized, all facts are accurate, and of course, all links should lead to their proper target page.

SEO Content - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines


A good link building strategy should be unique. It should target specific niche websites that are highly relevant to the SEO campaign and should involve link auditing, removal of unwanted links, and ongoing link placement.

A good link drives traffic to your site. But how do you distinguish a good link? Take a look the bullet points below:

  • Professional and unique copy on every link
  • On-page copywriting for page optimization
  • Complete company portfolio written uniquely per profile
  • Social media citation

What Redkite Can Do for Your SEO Campaign

All Redkite contents go through an intensive proofreading procedure and are only posted after being reviewed and approved by our clients. We ensure quality work throughout every stage of the content-making process.

Our link building protocol demands that we have a pre-strategized one- to two-month link proposal per client. After that, links should get approval for placement by our SEO department head. We treat each link as much as we treat business as referral opportunity.


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

Hiring SEO Services in the Philippines

The Philippines is an excellent choice in outsourcing. For years, the country has thrived in outsourcing and takes the industry seriously.

Outsourcing SEO to the Philippines seems to be a trend that the English-speaking world has been embracing for the last few years and for the years to come.

Here are a few reasons why Filipinos have an obvious upper hand and advantage in performing SEO duties:

English Language

Most of the people in the Philippines already speak in English since early childhood. They’re exposed to Western entertainment in their daily lives—from movies, to music, to television, to radio. In the main cities, English is noted to be the language of businessmen even amongst Philippine businessmen themselves.

SEO Language - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines


Filipinos are communicative. They voice out their unbiased opinion when asked. They love to communicate what they like, what they don’t, and what they think should be done. While being communicative, they’re still very cordial and tactful in their approach so as not to sound rude or overbearing.


Any difference in culture is embraced quickly in the Philippines. Filipinos are known to be very respectful of other people’s cultures and ways of life. They’re prompt in learning and embracing languages and cultures. This is why the call center industry has been booming in the Philippines since the late 1990s. There are no typical accent or pronunciation hindrances in the way that Filipinos write and speak English and so they tend to have a very neutral tone or voice.

What this means when it comes to outsourcing SEO to the Philippines is that there is a very short and minimal learning time curve required to launch any SEO campaign from the Philippines, since they’re already armed with the knowledge and background of what’s already happening in the US, UK, Canada or Australia.

They know what to say, how to say it and they already understand the western culture enough to deliver their communication through writing or speaking professionally.

SEO Culture - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

What will Redkite Do for You?

Redkite Digital Marketing is composed of professional individuals that are adept in the English language and are flexible in terms of adopting to a wide range of cultures. When you choose us to be your SEO outsourcing companion, you’ll work with a team that can communicate with you fluently, properly, and appropriately. We use efficient business tools for communication and for the execution of your SEO needs.

Time differences aren’t an issue with Redkite. Once you work with us, we’ll be planning our communication hours that are fitting and beneficial to you and your company. These communication hours usually consist of strategic SEO planning, updates, and reports.

Filipino traits of courteousness, determination, and friendliness are also found in the work ethics of Redkite’s project managers, content group, and SEO team to ensure that you get the best SEO services that go beyond distances or time zones.

Get in touch with a digital marketing company in the Philippines to experience a cut-above-the-rest SEO outsourcing that can only be found in the country!


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

The Outsourcing Dilemma (Cultural and Language Incompatibility Myths)

“To outsource or not to outsource?” It’s a common question for most business owners and executives when working to avail SEO services. As a matter of fact, it’s a very logical and necessary question to address.

On one hand, you get ranks, expertise, save money, and get good business done. On the other hand lies doubts, especially if you want to outsource SEO offshore, because cultural miscommunication might hinder your desired outcome!

These doubts can be classified into:

  • Language concerns for content and link building
  • Cultural barriers which may prevent effective communication
  • The certain initial distrust in the air on the reputation of the provider

SEO Outsourcing - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

So, how can anyone truly know how they could be guaranteed a safe passage in the world of SEO outsourcing? The answer is this: there are no guarantees, but there are other ways to know if you can work with someone. Try addressing these concerns prior to hiring an SEO outsourcing company outside of your country:

  • How many international clients do they cater to?
  • How many of them have been long term clients?
  • What have they achieved for these clients?
  • Can they give reference numbers for a background check?
  • Do they have any bad reputation online?
  • How do you think they communicate their SEO content and links? Can they supply samples of their most recent work done?
  • Do they have 24/7 support for your business hours?
  • How attentive are they to your needs?
  • How creative are they in their work?
  • How do they brand themselves?

And the most important one of all: Are they willing to take on your campaign for an initial short term?

SEO Outsourcing Contract - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Try to convince them to try only one to two months of SEO and if you like the results, then you can try going for a one-year contract.

Obviously, one to two months is too short for any SEO campaign. You should observe their processes and the value they put into work. Check their content generation, site analysis skills, communication skills, reporting techniques, and link building strategies! These are all needed when working with a successful SEO outsourcing company.

What can Redkite Do for You?

Surely you can’t take away the worry of entrusting one of the most vital factors of your business to a different company because of the fear of cultural and language incompatibility, but take a look at some of the largest companies in the world. Little did you know but they do outsourcing and it never harms their business!

Your peace of mind is our priority here at Redkite Digital Marketing. Rest assured that we’ll do our utmost best to explain to you how outsourcing works once you sign up on our SEO services. Of course, you’re more than welcome to collaborate and negotiate about your desired SEO services. We want the best for you here at Redkite and usually you yourself know what the best is for you. We’re here to guide you!

Aside from these, you’ll also be given the privilege to monitor every progress and we’ll do our duty to keep you posted.

SEO Outsourcing Assistance - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Filipinos are very flexible in adapting to a wide range of cultures, especially the Western civilization. We’re from one of the countries with the biggest English speaking population in the world, so communicating with you certainly won’t be a problem!

No need to worry about outsourcing your SEO through a digital marketing company in the Philippines. There’s a reason why everyone does it and why a lot of companies are reaping good business from it!


Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines

2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

(046) 416 2483

Why is SEO Outsourced?

Apparently, it’s still a thing for business people to work on their own Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because they firmly believe that it’s very easy to manage. But this isn’t the real case because so much technical skills are needed to run and maintain SEO. This is why practical and smart companies outsource SEO from credible SEO outsourcing companies.

Search engines are moving and are resilient targets, so it’s best to leave this matter in the hands of those who live and breathe SEO daily.

There are three types of SEO outsourcing that generally happen in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia:
• Locally (within a city or town)
• Nationally (within the country like US/UK/Australia)
• Offshoring (to English speaking countries like the Philippines)

To help you gain a wider understanding of SEO outsourcing, here are some factors you should consider for each type of outsourcing:


It can be tempting to outsource SEO locally because it seems to be the most ideal and practical route, but you should know that it poses a certain threat.

Deciding this way without discovering other ways to outsource means that the decision is made very irrationally because SEO is almost 100 percent a digital job that can be done remotely (i.e. anywhere in the world).

Local SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Why hire the town’s best who competes only with the townspeople, when you can hire someone who’s known to win in an international level for the same price?

This popular question has always been put forth in favor of local SEO providers by SEO seekers.

Customer to non-local SEO company: “But you don’t know the local scene here, so how can you do SEO for me?”

Non-local SEO company: “We’ll be competing digitally. I have all the keywords we need you to rank for. I don’t need to be there physically at your store or business—we only need to be in front of our computers and the internet, not at your business. Being there physically doesn’t guarantee anything in SEO at all.”


Searching nationally for an SEO provider is the next best choice for your business. There wouldn’t be any language or cultural barriers compared to offshoring, would there?

National SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

If you have the budget to spend, outsourcing to a national SEO company is advisable. However, a wise business owner knows that the SEO landscape always changes. Resources will need to be saved for technological changes and shifts for the evolving days to come.

Saving expenses month in and out is a sure form of business security. Why spend 200 percent more on SEO monthly when you can get the same results by offshoring your SEO?


The reason why outsourcing SEO to English-speaking nations like the Philippines is popular is because the budget that they allocate for SEO has more Return on Investment (ROI). While the cost of SEO is drastically cheaper, anyone who has ever done SEO understands that money isn’t the most important factor—it’s purely results.

If the same results can be acquired through less spending, then it makes pure business sense.

Offshoring SEO - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

What Will Redkite Do For You?

Communicating with people from different parts of the world with different cultures can be stressful. If not handled well, miscommunication can arise and that can badly affect the business you’ve been trying so hard to build.

At Redkite Digital Marketing, we make sure that our communication with our client is loud and clear. When you choose to outsource SEO with us, you’ll be working with a group of individuals who are skilled, flexible, and knowledgeable on how to handle clients regardless of race, culture, place of origin, and type of business.

To keep the ball rolling, Redkite’s project managers and SEO experts will get in touch with you to talk about your preferred SEO plans through phone calls, traditional chats, video chats, and emails. For your convenience, you can also contact the team on your own accord.

Redkite offers digital marketing in the Philippines packed with SEO solutions that are optimized by a team of professionals that holds no language and cultural barriers! Definite factors to cultivate sweet and fruitful results of SEO!

Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines
2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
(046) 416 2483

How Does SEO Help A Serious Business Grow?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still the most popular and most embraced digital marketing activity worldwide. With SEO, websites can rank and appear on top of the search engine results for a certain query or search using targeted keywords.

Now, if you’re reading this, it probably means you’re not 100 percent sure on how SEO can help your business grow in the industry you’ve invested in.

SEO is a bit of a complex system to learn but once you get the knack of it, you’ll see how efficient and beneficial it is for any company.

Here are some points that explain how SEO works and why you should get the service of a digital marketing company in the Philippines for a more professional SEO undertaking.

To Increase Communication and Reach to Old and New Clients

A website is the most informative tool for a business. Compared to other types of communication, websites are dynamic and mobile device compatible. Their content can be easily changed without overhaul.

Displaying products and services, business reputation, company achievements, and business values will not only boost the company’s visibility for desired sales, but also make the company more professional and trustworthy.

Old and New Clients Digital Marketing - Redkite Philippines

To Adapt and Find New Markets

Older, more established, larger businesses don’t use SEO to simply adapt to the new “search” environment and use it largely for reputation management (i.e. to make sure that when people search for their brand, the pages shown are reputable and not negative for them).

They also use SEO to market their brand in search engines for generic search terms. For example, Bridgestone Tires will want to rank for search terms that are branded (i.e. “Bridgestone”) but they may also want to rank for search terms like “reliable tire for pickups” which is a non-branded, generic search term.

Nevertheless, smaller businesses remain to be the most aggressive sector of the SEO landscape. They target more generic, non-branded keywords because that can drive more quality traffic to their websites. They have to be aggressive since a lot of small- and medium-sized enterprises also want to rank for the same keywords or search terms. This allows them to be discovered quickly by their potential customers.

What will Redkite Do for You?

We have SEO techniques and tools to aid you in getting substantial leads for your website, thus opening greater opportunities for your business. We offer competent SEO works, including:

Keyword research

Redkite does an extensive research on the best keywords to use for your website and other content. Keywords are major driving factors in a successful SEO so we strive hard to find the most appropriate ones for your industry.

Keyword Research - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

Title Tags Optimization

Our team also makes sure you have appropriate title tags to help Google and other search engines determine what a certain page in your website is really about.

Meta Data creation and Application

We also make and apply meta titles and meta descriptions which contain targeted keywords and information about the pages and blogs in your website. They also help search engines recognize your content like blogs.

Content Optimization

There’s more to SEO but its potentials can be wholly tapped if there’s good content. On the creative side, the content should be well-written, factual, free of grammatical errors, and shareable. On the technical side, the content should have enough keywords, load perfectly, be optimized for mobile, included in the site’s XML map, and more.

Content Optimization - Redkite Digital Marketing Philippines

When you avail our SEO services, you’ll be working closely with a passionate and skilled project manager, creative team, and an SEO team to make sure all of your SEO requests and preferences are fulfilled. We use a variety of advance applications and manual strategies to execute the SEO procedure. Aside from the major SEO services, we also offer maintenance and clean-up to preserve the strength of your website’s SEO.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a big or small company. We will perform our best to guarantee an impactful SEO that’ll benefit your business.

Redkite Digital Marketing and Web Designs: SEO Outsourcing Philippines
2nd Floor Veluz Building 1, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
(046) 416 2483