Surely you’ve heard of the saying hitting two birds with one stone. – In creating website content, that is exactly what you’re doing.
Webpages that offer quality content will always be the ones on the first page of the Google SERPs. If the content of a website is optimized, it makes both the search engine and online users happy. Most importantly, it benefits you the most since there is a bigger chance for your website to get higher site traffic and potentially even a better Return of Investment.
Usually, when we talk about web content, we initially think about blogs. This is not entirely wrong considering that blogs are essentially one of the aspects that makes a website better. However, that is not what this blog is about.
The main purpose of this blog is to help you determine if the content available in your website will fit the standards of an online user. And by content, we are pertaining to the pages that form the stable foundation of what your website is about – and these are the landing pages.
For entrepreneurs, coming up with good business ideas is fairly easy. What comes as a challenge is how to convince people that it’s worth their time and money. This is why the landing pages, specifically the homepage, determine whether your website visitors will deem your website suitable for their needs or not.
Regardless of whether your business is a start-up or a well-established company, if you do decide to pursue digital marketing in the Philippines, you have to step up your game and make all the content found in your website relevant and helpful so that potential clients will appreciate them.
So how would you know if your content is up to the standards?
Here are 4 useful tips.
Tip #1: Emphasize the business’ Unique Value Proposition
The first thing you should highlight is the promise of value.
You can’t reel a fish in if you don’t have a hook. This is the same as having a good value proposition. As soon as people enter your website, you have a few seconds to convince them why they shouldn’t just click the back button.
The less established your company’s reputation is, the more you need to think of a value proposition that could be easily recognized by your potential customers. Think of the products and services your business have then ask these three questions to yourself:
- How will my product or service answer to the people’s needs?
- What are the benefits of my product/service?
- Why would people want to choose my product/service over my competitors?
Relevance, value, and differentiation – these are the only things you have to focus on when conceptualizing a unique value proposition (UVP).
Making people browse your website further all depends on the manner by which you deliver this message. One thing to consider is to present it on the website’s homepage for you to be sure that it’s the first thing that people will see. Explain it clearly and in a way that’s easy to understand – be as concise as possible.
Tip #2: Fulfill search intent
User intent is a major factor in achieving quality SEO as well as good visitor experience. As crucial as it is for a website to have a well-written value proposition, optimizing content for search intent is also an aspect one should never overlook.
Understand that publishing content for the sake of having content will simply not work.
If you want your click-through rate (CTR) to increase your conversion rate, make sure the content in your website addresses customer intent. If you succeed in giving the information people need, there’s a big chance you’ll also succeed in conversion optimization.
When people turn to the internet for information, they either visit a page they are familiar with – e.g. bookmarked pages – or they use search engines in the hopes of finding what they need. For a website to fulfill search intent, remember to keep the audience in mind during the process of conceptualizing and drafting content. This can help you greatly in deciding what information needs to be included and how everything should be presented.
Tip #3: Ensure website accessibility
You might be wondering how this tip got here when we are clearly talking about content. Yes, it has nothing to do with landing page content. However, it can be classified as technical content which is equally important.
In today’s highly technological world, most people use their mobile devices to search the information they need.
Most of the day-to-day activities that we do involve the online community – one way or another. From searching the address of specific places to traffic updates, almost everything can be searched on the internet. With more and more people relying on Google to find what they need, this gives you a concrete reason to have a website for your business.
So, let’s assume you’re done with establishing a website and creating content. What’s the next important thing to do? – Ensure your website accessibility!
Remember that Google’s algorithm is not a person you can negotiate with. It’s either you make a quality website or you get pushed further down the Google SERPs.
So what do you need to do?
Optimize your website! Check your load speeds and make sure everything is running smoothly on every web browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari) and is easily accessible whether online users are using desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.
Your website’s quality content will just go to waste if online users will have a hard time trying to access your page. If it loads slowly and is not mobile-compatible, your potential clients are more likely to move on to another website. We certainly wouldn’t want that to happen, right?
Tip #4: Provide engaging content
A webpage is not similar to a novel. People will not enjoy your website if it only displays blocks of pure text.
While it’s a good idea to be as detailed as possible in providing content for different landing pages, especially if the purpose of that page is to discuss about your products or services, keep in mind that the majority of people visiting your website would only skim through your content in search for certain information. If the content your website provides are chunks of lengthy texts, it will give them a hard time finding what they are looking for and this could be a reason for them to leave your page.
To keep your audience interested, make sure your website has engaging content.
You can make a video presentation of the perks your customers could get if they avail of your product or service. You may also consider providing images, animations, or even slideshows to spice up your website even more. Real estate websites, service providers, and online stores are just a few examples of websites that can benefit from this arrangement.
Use proper paragraphing when discussing a certain topic and provide subheads so that people can easily scan the content. Lastly, enumerate products or services belonging in the same category in bullet points to make the content easier to read. By doing this, you can avoid drowning your audience with too much information.
If you happen to come across webpages that are in the upper ranks of the Google SERPs but has very minimal quality content to offer, don’t think that it is okay to do the same. Comparing your webpage to these kind of websites will only lower your standards in what a quality website should offer. Remember to set a high benchmark for your website. The higher the standards, the better visitor experience you can give.