Local Business Module

Digital marketing in the Philippines and all around the world is more complex than posting a product or service on a social media platform.

Digital marketing has its own history, various methods of application, and even principles. But not every entrepreneur, digital marketer, and social media strategist knows that, which is why there are businesses that are finding it hard to do well in the digital marketing industry.

With Redkite’s free seminars on digital marketing, Redkite CEO Raja Sinha will discuss different topics and subtopics that will help both newbie and old-time entrepreneurs and business owners understand the digital marketing world more so they can use it effectively. Raja’s years of experience and expertise in web design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), and digital marketing for various types of clients from the Philippines, USA, UK, and Australia guarantees helpful tips and insights that can truly help you improve how you manage your digital marketing. And as audience participation is very much encourage, seminar attendees are welcome to ask questions and clarify certain issues after the discussion. Moreover, you don’t have to be an owner of a large company to attend; small-scaled to medium-scaled entrepreneurs who want to venture into digital marketing can join the seminars. You don’t even have to pay anything!

Within two or three hours, you’d be able to learn a lot about digital marketing. Most of all, you’ll learn the many effective ways of using it to your own business’ advantage.

If you’re currently living in the Philippines and you’d like to join the seminar and bring business colleagues along, just give us a call and we’ll give you the available seminar dates.

See you soon!